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Mentorship & Coaching

Students and clients are always the top priority and I dedicate considerable time to focus on my clients' goals, challenges and questions. When someone applies to work with me, it's very important to me that we both feel it is an excellent fit. I choose who I work with carefully because I am deeply passionate about creating real results. If you are interested in mentorship or coaching, please take the time to fill  out the application so I can get to know you!  APPLY NOW

Thank you so much for your interest in what we do.

Please contact me using the form below


To learn more about the types of speaking engagements I do, please contact me using the form below. I have a very authentic style and a strong understanding of what it takes to motivate people to make an impact at the highest level. I promise to inspire and deliver massive value to every audience I come in contact with. You will look like a champion for bringing me in. I value your time and will ALWAYS make sure I multiply the value of your investment. If you would like me to volunteer my time, pitch it to me in a way it brings value to the world and let's make it happen!


Media, Press, Interviews

All media outlets, please contact me via the form below and we will get back to you with a press kit and information to move forward ASAP. I greatly appreciate your support.


To collaborate or be featured on The LIVEBIG Project, I'm always looking for inspiring leaders and entrepreneurs who are making an impact and living their best life. If you or someone you know has achieved massive success in their field and has a valuable message to share, please use the form below and explain WHY, as we’d love to learn more.

I'm looking forward to connecting with you

I read every message and appreciate you taking the time to reach out!

Thank you! I look forward to following up with you as constructively as possible.

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