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Defining Your Lifestyle Business

One reason people don't have what they want in life, is because they aren't clear on what it is they most desire. It's not that they don't have some ideas about what they like, or even a feeling of what it will be like. They don't have a clear picture of what a wildly successful lifestyle business looks like.

That's ok, we can work on that! Start by asking a few simple questions. Perhaps one of the biggest questions to ask is this:

🔶What kind of difference do you want to leave behind you on this planet when you go?

🔶Who do you like to work with

🔶What do you like to create?

🔶What kind of lifestyle do you want to live?

These days, you can monetize just about anything. You can create products and services for little to no cost, and you can market them for free. The extent of applications and tools that exist in the cloud make system building easy. While making money may seem like the only priority, it's not. I learned that the hard way as a brand new business owner, 10 years ago.

I was great at making sales, but I was so caught up in the business operations that I wasn't taking care of what was important, like myself and my relationships. I was losing my happiness. At the end of a month long project, we took a day off.

My friend and crew leader died in a rock climbing accident that day, in my fourth year of running that business. It hit me hard. I suddenly realized that I felt completely alone and trapped in a 24/7 job.

I sold out and committed to the pursuit of a life that I really wanted to live….but I never sold the brand. I secretly wanted to rebuild. I knew one thing:

Your passion project is not your side hustle. It is your responsibility. Click to Tweet!

When you do it right, a passion-based lifestyle business is the most lucrative business you can be in. I wandered for a while, but I never stopped thinking about my next business. More importantly, I never stopped thinking about what my dream life might look like. After a couple years I was spinning my wheels, and I decided to try something that I had never done.

I reached out to an influencer who had been down the path I wanted to run down and asked them to coach me. I ended up investing just about all I had in their mentorship, and it ended up being one of the best business decisions I've ever made. It taught me how to create a lucrative lifestyle business that I truly love to be in.

These days instead of waking up stressed, groggy, and overwhelmed, I wake up excited and eager to do the work that I do. Instead of waking up worried about money or resources, I wake up thinking about my goals and energized for the day ahead. It gets me excited to help people design & create better lives, better businesses, while traveling, and having fun in the amazing places of this planet. The more we help each other, the better the playing field becomes for lifestyle entrepreneurs.

Today as my businesses grow, so do the things that are most important. The money comes when you offer value. When we offer value to a marketplace we want to be in, we are rewarded in more ways than one. That's the real beauty of lifestyle business design. You can design a life on your terms.

Be clear on what you want in your life and business and you can create it! No matter what.

What does your ultimate lifestyle business look like? Share in the comments!

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